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问题可能来自国内或国际根源。DiMartino Booth 说,“世界正处于一种被称为衰退的状态。现在,我们不谈论它,因为这是不礼貌的。然而,她看到了全球经济放缓和陷入困境的迹象。And problems could arise from either domestic or international sources. “The world’s in kind of this thing called a recession. Now, we don’t talk about it, because it’s not polite,” DiMartino Booth said. However, she sees signs of slowing and struggling economies across the globe.

美联储主席杰罗姆-鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)承认,企业债务在增长,高杠杆化的商业领域可能会放大任何经济低迷。DiMartino Booth说:“他似乎是轻描淡写地上了格林斯潘学校。”Jerome Powell, the chair of the Fed, has acknowledged the growth in corporate debtand how the highly leveraged business sector could amplify any economic downturn. “It seems as if he went to the Greenspan School of Understatement,” DiMartino Booth said.


英镑兑美元上涨1.4%至1.3284美元,创2018年9月以来最高,英镑兑欧元也强劲反弹。“她似乎在给我们一个新的英退悬崖日期--6月底,”英国资深亲欧派保守党议员祁淦礼(Kenneth Clarke)说。**新的峭壁悬崖**三位欧盟官员表示,如果英国需要更多时间来确保议会批准其退欧协议,欧盟将准备好通过短期的英退延迟。


当价格发现机制失灵时,就不可能判断债券市场是否准确反映了公司发行人的财务状况。与此同时,债台高筑。When the price discovery mechanism fails, it becomes impossible to tell whether bond markets are accurately reflecting the financial health of corporate issuers. Meanwhile, debt has piled up.
